Arrow Series Season 2 Official Trailer


After releasing extended trailer in Comic Con, few days ago Stephen Amell revealed this brand new Season 2 trailer on his Facebook page.

CW’s Arrow is based on DC Comics Green Arrow.

Season 1 was thrilling, the world created is good combination of real world and animated series.

It’s even more flexible than the world Christopher Nolan created for The Dark Knight Trilogy.

Last year director joked about bringing Green Lantern into Arrow for guest appearance with Ryan Raynolds.

But this year makers have officially announced that there is going to be The Flash in Arrow series!!

Now that’s incredible but they also have declared that this Flash is not going to be part of Man of Steel or Justice League Movie Franchise which will happen in upcoming years.

I really liked the first season, if you haven’t watch Arrow Series, you should give it a shot.

I am really excited for the second season, it looks even more bad ass.

So what are your thoughts on CW’s Arrow??


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