Career In Animation Part 6: Generalization Tool
We human beings , we are good at pattern recognition and its good . Because if we notice "everything" we will freak out and...
Career In Animation Part 5: Assumptions Tool
The first tool I'm going to introduce is AssumptionsOne of the most dangerous things while communicating with others is Assumptions.You would not believe but...
Career In Animation Part 4: Introduction To the Tools
So I'm going to give you the ULTIMATE TOOL BOX , which has simple but yet more powerful tools that you are going to...
Career In Animation Part 3 : Identity
Hey we just finished , why there is Need of Research for our Career in Animation, and I said we are going to learn...
Career In Animation Part 2: Need of Research
Hey guys , in last Article we came up with what We want to Be in Life and Most importantly Why we want precisely...
Career In Animation Part 1: The First Giant Step
Tip - For Now, You Can Read The Entire Career in Animation Series Here for Free, We are soon Refining it into a Paid book!Hey...