Every time when I’m watching ICE AGE I, there is last scene where the Baby is going with his family and slight tears in every one’s eye (even Sid) . . . Something inside me tells that” Someday I’m gonna make something like this”
Does it happen with you may be different movie? ” Yes”, I bet!
But then there comes a question, is it really my passion about animation or just an affection?
Actually its basic question, if you think you may or can do animation as career, (it’s actually more than a career).
There is huge difference between ” Liking Animation ” and ” Doing Animation” While starting career in animation , its really important to find out that is it just attraction ? Or its really you wanted from many years!
Otherwise its gonna hurt, badly in future. Have you ever met somebody, who started in animation and quit after sometime?
If not , (you will meet someday),still I can tell you its not wrong / bad decision to quit animation , if one thinks that he/she cant ( or may be different reasons ).
Walt Disney once said” You know, the only way I’ve found to make these pictures (films) is with Animators.
Because you can’t seem to do it with accounts and book keepers”.
Animation comes with patience. For any good animator to make 2 or 3 min film it takes minimum 2 to 3 months. Most of the times we are doubtful,” should I do animation or not? ” Sometimes we get comments like” Hey you are good at drawings and you like animated movies, try in animation! ”.
There are so many news, saying in 4-5 years India will need animators in lac (Hey! They will need QUALITY ANIMATORS). One research showed, in India every year 50,000 animators are passed out, Out of them only 2 to 5 thousands get placed in good studios.
And believe me, every studio needs Good Animators NOT Good Software Learners. So it’s extremely important to find out its mere attraction or passion, because you have to make decision for your life and” passion” is the only thing that will help us in difficult times. One way is that, meet people working in studios or working in animation industry. Talk about your feelings, your skills and listen their opinion. Ask them what would have they advised you if you were their son / daughter, brother/ sister.
But still finally listen to your heart too. If you feel you’ve something that will make you best animator then nothing matters, we can develop skills, we will make anything happen. Can you believe that, the legend “Ollie Johnston” one of the “Nine Old Men” Of Disney, once advised” Brad Bird “(Director of Ratatouille) that he can do better in other profession…
Its the passion that makes difference , the passion for Animation, the passion for creations..the passion for life ..
Anyway, if you feel it’s your passion, welcome buddy we are on same journey” to The World of Creations” . . . Hope will meet somewhere in the path and guide each other or just will have coffee . . . Bye!
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