Confusion Through Sand

What goes through a young recruit’s mind, when subjected to one of the most challenging combat situation in the dust-filled dessert? The stressful confusions he have to face, and choices he have to make, are the first of its kind.

Confusion Through Sand takes you on a thoughtful journey, through the young soldiers eyes, where he not just fight with his emotions but with his inner senses as well.

This hand-made 9-minutes story succeeds in communicating the harsh truths of the war & the complex situations that soldiers have deal with.

Directed, written and animated by  talented Danny Madden, Confusion through Sand is a kind of masterpiece, every artist is working hard to make in their lifetime. Told with the one of kind hand-drawn animation, this story took more than 6000 sheets of paper and 2.5 years to animate.

The hand animated short premiered at SxSw, and has been showcased at prestigious international festivals such as Hiroshima. It has also won  the Best Short award at festivals like – Animation Block 

The greatest achievement is, Confusion Through Sand has received its broadcast premiere on PBS, as part of ITVS’s Independent Lens series – The Kill Team.

This short animated film is produced by Ornama Films, where the creative team have goals to go beyond the conventional animation, with ‘Confusion Through Sands’, they surely did an outstanding job.

Appraised by many of the well-known critics, this short is is growing on its popularity day by day. Do share this post, or the short with your friends, to give it a much-deserved ovation!



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