Making of Documentary

This is planning stage of documentary. We have named it as PRESHOOT phase. This is the compulsory homework, one must complete, before going out on field.

Here we go….

  • Most confusing task- Decide the Subject for Documentary. Commit on its length and decide ‘theme or form‘ of documentary. Example: Our subject was Rain, length about 10 mins and theme was Poetic.

Main Theme or Forms of Documentary:

  1. Linear Narrative Form which is also known as Classical Hollywood Storytelling.
  2. Discussive Narrative Form which gives priority to Information, Facts and Logic.
  3. Episodic Narrative Form which (I haven’t understand yet!).
  4. Poetic Narrative Form which is built up around the Visual-Poetic Association.
  • Refer some similar or helpful documentary of some standard value, such as on Discovery channel.
  • Make the expected Shot list including specific details expected in each shot. Example: Shot is ‘Wet Dog‘ or ‘young kid with umbrella‘ or ‘water ponds‘.
  • Shot list must contain too many shots. For 10 min long documentary, we had managed to brainstorm about 35 to 40 shots.
  • Comment about the duration of shots and their availability. Also, note the specific time if it is need of some shot. Example: Fog shooting must be done in early morning and Sunset in evening.
  • Make a Generalized shot list sequence by which shoot will precede, including details about time.
  • I think, this much homework is OK for PRESHOOT phase. But this is not perfect list, so it may grow further.

Thank You.


(Here are the article links for easy access:)

Creating 1st Documentary

Making of Documentary-Part 1 (this Article)

Making of Documentary-Part 2

Making of Documentary-Part 3

Take care of These Points

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